How would Russian chastushki sound in English? 
6.-Nov-2003 01:47 pm
Рыбка плавает в томате,
Ей в томате хорошо,
Только я, едрена матерь,
Места в жизни не нашел.

Fish in thick tomato sauce
Swims in happy comatose
Only me, pathetic wimp
Have no fucking place to swim.

По реке плывет топор
из села Чугуева,
Hу и пусть себе плывет
железяка х*ева...

Down the river drifts an axe
From the town of Byron.
Let it float by itself-
Fucking piece of iron!!!
6.-Nov-2003 01:55 pm - Labs
Patiesi iesmēju... :)
6.-Nov-2003 04:23 pm
John goes through the village
Goes along and smiles so wide
He has put in some new teeth
And cannot close his mouth 'nymore
10.-Nov-2003 01:39 pm
Varen iedvesmojoši.
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