20.-Aug-2005 11:09 pm
Hohoho, pa LNT iet gaisā A Night at the Roxbury :) Iesaku.
20.-Aug-2005 11:27 pm
Tu domā, dēļ šī:

* Audio/visual unsynchronized: When the woman on the balcony is waving towards the brothers, she says "not you", but her mouth never moves.

* Continuity: Doug dials the phone number for "Operator 238" twice, but dials a different, random, number each time.

* Continuity: When Doug and Steve are chasing a woman to the music of Staying Alive, Doug's headphones go from on his head to round his neck, back to on his head again.

* Continuity: When talking to Richard Grieco after he runs into their van, the fake plant foliage the brothers are covered in disappears and reappears between shots.

* Continuity: On their way to their father's "fake plant shop", the Butabi brothers pass the lamp shop on their left. This shop is supposedly right next to their father's store (to the left), yet they keep walking for a few more minutes. Then we see them walk into their father's store coming from the right, when they should've walked in from the other direction.

* Continuity: When Steve and Doug are walking on the beach in their unsightly speedos, Steve's hair keeps moving back and forth across his forehead between shots.

* Continuity: When steve and his girlfriend are in bed, she is lying on a pillow. In the next shot she is sitting upright against the pillow.

* Continuity: When Steve and Doug are walking to their dad's fake plant shop and listening to "Staying Alive" Steve's drink container jumps from his left hand to his right and backagain between shots.
20.-Aug-2005 11:43 pm
nūģis :)
21.-Aug-2005 11:31 am
driizaak deelj shitaa:

Steve: What's up? What's up? What's up? What's up? What's up?
Doug: Steve, slow down.
Steve: I can't help it man, it's hottie overload.
Doug: Just pace yourself.
Steve: Ok... What's up?... 2, 3, 4. What's up?... 2, 3, 4...
20.-Aug-2005 11:59 pm
Sorrī par oftopicu - bet rīt pie Jums VBuļļos ar putneļa dzē dē pankūkām viss paliek, kā runāts un braukšana joprojām ar 36a?
21.-Aug-2005 12:25 am
Jap. Tikai pankuuku vietaa shkjiet buus kuupinaatas butes :)
21.-Aug-2005 12:43 am
Tās jau tādas pašas sāļās pannkūkas vien ir, tikai ar acīm :)
21.-Aug-2005 01:42 pm
Pankūkas ar acīm :))
21.-Aug-2005 09:32 am
Vislabākais šai filmā ir soundtrack-s
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